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Find Poodle Cats for Sale Near Me – Best Deals and Discounts!

Poodle cats, also known as Selkirk Rex cats, are one of the newest cat breeds that have gained popularity in recent years. Their curly, plush fur and affectionate personality make them a favorite among pet owners. If you’re looking to add a poodle cat to your family, you might be wondering where to begin your search. This guide will provide all the information you need to find poodle cats for sale near you. From finding reputable breeders to tips on caring for your new pet, we’ve got you covered.

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Poodle Cats for Sale Near Me

Before you start your search for poodle cats for sale, it’s important to understand what kind of cat you’re looking for. Poodle cats are a relatively new breed, so they may not be available in every pet store or shelter. Here are some options for finding poodle cats for sale near you:

  • Pet Stores – Some larger pet stores may carry poodle cats for sale. However, it’s important to do your research about the pet store and the breeder they source their cats from to ensure the cats are being bred responsibly.
  • Breeders – Finding a reputable breeder is the best way to ensure the health and well-being of your new poodle cat. You can search for local breeders online or through breed-specific organizations like The International Cat Association (TICA) or Cat Fanciers’ Association (CFA).
  • Shelters/Rescues – While poodle cats may not be as common in shelters, it’s always worth checking with local animal shelters or rescues to see if they have any available for adoption. Adopting a cat from a rescue can also give you the satisfaction of giving a home to a cat in need.

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Once you have decided where you want to look for poodle cats for sale, it’s important to do your research and make sure the breeder or shelter is reputable. Look for reviews and talk to other pet owners who have purchased from the same source.

Adopting a Poodle: Things to Consider

Before bringing home a poodle cat, there are some things you should consider to ensure you’re ready for the responsibility of pet ownership. Here are some things to think about before adopting a poodle:

  • Cost – Owning a pet can be expensive. You’ll need to consider the cost of food, toys, vet visits, and potentially grooming services.
  • Time Commitment – Pets require time and attention. Are you able to commit to daily playtime and cuddles with your poodle cat?
  • Living Situation – Do you live in an apartment or a house? Is your living space suitable for a cat? Will your landlord allow pets?
  • Allergies – While poodle cats are known for being hypoallergenic, it’s still important to make sure you’re not allergic to them before bringing one home.

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Finding Reputable Poodle Breeders in Your Area

If you’ve decided to purchase a poodle cat from a breeder, it’s important to find a reputable one. Here are some tips for finding a good poodle breeder:

  • Research – Look for breeders who are registered with organizations like TICA or CFA. These organizations have strict guidelines that breeders must follow to maintain their membership.
  • Health Tests – A good breeder will provide you with health test results for their cats. Make sure the cats have been tested for common genetic diseases like hip dysplasia and polycystic kidney disease.
  • Visits – A reputable breeder will allow you to visit their facility and meet the cats before making a purchase. This will give you a chance to see the living conditions and temperament of the cats.
  • Contracts – A good breeder will provide you with a contract that outlines their health guarantee for your new pet. This will protect you in case any health issues arise.
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How to Care for Your New Poodle Cat

Once you’ve found your perfect poodle cat, it’s important to know how to care for them properly. Here are some tips for caring for your new cat:

  • Grooming – Poodle cats have curly, plush fur that requires regular grooming. Brush your cat daily to prevent mats and tangles. You may also need to have their fur trimmed regularly.
  • Feeding – Poodle cats should be fed a high-quality cat food that meets their nutritional needs. Talk to your vet about what kind of food is best for your cat.
  • Exercise – Poodle cats are relatively active and like to play. Provide them with toys and playtime to keep them entertained and healthy.
  • Litter Box – Make sure your cat has access to a clean litter box at all times. Scoop it daily and completely replace the litter every two weeks.
  • Healthcare – Poodle cats are generally healthy, but they can be prone to certain conditions like dental issues and urinary tract infections. Regular vet check-ups and preventative care can help keep your cat healthy.

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Different Types of Poodles: Which One is Right for You?

Poodle cats come in different types that vary in size, coat color, and personality. Here are the different types of poodle cats:

  • Standard Poodle – The largest type of poodle cat, with a height of 15 inches or more. They have a curly fur coat and are known for being intelligent, loyal, and playful.
  • Miniature Poodle – Medium-sized poodle cats that stand between 10-15 inches tall. They also have a curly fur coat and are affectionate and active pets.
  • Toy Poodle – The smallest type of poodle cat, with a height of 10 inches or less. They have a curly fur coat and are known for their intelligence and eagerness to please.

When deciding which type of poodle cat is right for you, consider factors such as your living space, lifestyle, and personal preferences. Standard poodles may not be suitable for smaller apartments while toy poodles may get too overwhelmed in a busy household. Additionally, different types of poodles require different levels of exercise, grooming, and training.

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Poodle Grooming 101: Tips and Tricks

Poodle cats are known for their curly fur coats that require regular grooming to prevent matting and tangles. Here are some tips for keeping your poodle cat’s coat in top condition:

  • Brushing – Daily brushing will help prevent matting and tangles. Use a slicker brush and comb through your cat’s fur from root to tip.
  • Bathing – Poodle cats should be bathed every three to four weeks to keep their fur clean and healthy. Use a gentle shampoo and conditioner designed specifically for cats.
  • Trimming – Poodle cats should have their fur trimmed every six to eight weeks to prevent matting and maintain the desired length and style.
  • Ears and Eyes – Check your cat’s ears and eyes regularly and clean them with a damp cloth if needed. This will help prevent infections and discomfort.
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Poodle Training: How to Teach Them Basic Commands

Poodle cats are intelligent and eager to please, which makes them trainable. Here are some basic commands you can teach your poodle cat:

  • Sit – Hold a treat above your cat’s head and say “sit.” When your cat sits, give them the treat and praise them.
  • Stay – When your cat is in a sitting position, say “stay” and step back. If your cat stays in place, reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Come – Call your cat’s name and say “come.” When they come to you, reward them with a treat and praise.
  • Down – Ask your cat to sit, then lower the treat to the ground while saying “down.” When your cat lies down, give them the treat and praise.

Consistency and positive reinforcement are key when training your poodle cat. Use treats, toys, and praise to reward good behavior and never use physical punishment.

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The Benefits of Owning a Poodle Cat

Poodle cats make great pets for many reasons. Here are some benefits of owning a poodle cat:

  • Affectionate – Poodle cats are known for their affectionate and playful personalities. They love cuddling and spending time with their owners.
  • Hypoallergenic – Poodle cats have curly coats that don’t shed much, making them a good choice for people with allergies.
  • Intelligent – Poodle cats are intelligent and easy to train, which makes them fun pets to have around.
  • Low Maintenance – While poodle cats require regular grooming, they don’t need as much exercise as some other cat breeds.

Comparing Poodles and Cats as Pets: Pros and Cons

While poodle cats share many traits with traditional cats, there are also some differences to consider. Here are some pros and cons of owning a poodle cat versus a regular cat:

Pros of Owning a Poodle Cat

  • Affectionate and playful personality
  • Hypoallergenic coat
  • Intelligent and trainable
  • Low maintenance

Cons of Owning a Poodle Cat

  • Higher grooming requirements
  • May be harder to find for sale or adoption
  • Potentially higher cost from reputable breeders

Poodle Health Concerns: What You Need to Know

Poodle cats are generally healthy, but like all pets, they can be prone to certain health issues. Here are some health concerns to watch out for in poodle cats:

  • Dental Issues – Poodle catscan be prone to dental issues like periodontal disease and tooth decay. Regular dental check-ups and cleanings can help prevent these issues.
  • Urinary Tract Infections – Poodle cats are also susceptible to urinary tract infections, which can cause discomfort and frequent urination. Consult your vet if you notice any symptoms of a UTI in your cat.
  • Eye Problems – Some poodle cats may develop eye problems like cataracts or progressive retinal atrophy. Regular eye exams can help detect these issues early on.
  • Skin Allergies – Poodle cats may develop skin allergies that cause itching and irritation. A proper diet and regular grooming can help alleviate these issues.

Regular vet check-ups and preventative care can help ensure your poodle cat stays healthy and happy.

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Poodle cats are a unique and lovable breed that make great pets for the right owner. Whether you’re considering adopting or purchasing a poodle cat, it’s important to do your research and find a reputable source. Remember to consider factors like cost, time commitment, and your living situation before bringing home a new pet. With proper care and attention, your poodle cat will bring joy and love into your life for years to come.


  1. What is a poodle cat?

A poodle cat, also known as Selkirk Rex cat, is a unique and rare breed of cat with curly, plush fur and a lovable personality.

  1. Where can I find poodle cats for sale near me?
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You can find poodle cats for sale at pet stores, from reputable breeders, or through animal shelters and rescues.

  1. What should I consider before adopting a poodle cat?

Before adopting a poodle cat, consider factors like cost, time commitment, living situation, and any potential allergies.

  1. How do I find a reputable poodle breeder?

Look for breeders who are registered with organizations like TICA or CFA. Make sure the breeder provides health test results and allows you to visit their facility before making a purchase.

  1. Do poodle cats require special grooming?

Yes, poodle cats have curly fur coats that require regular brushing, bathing, and trimming to prevent matting and tangles.

  1. Can poodle cats be trained?

Yes, poodle cats are intelligent and trainable. They can learn basic commands through positive reinforcement training.

  1. Are poodle cats hypoallergenic?

While no cat is completely hypoallergenic, poodle cats have curly coats that don’t shed much, making them a good choice for people with allergies.

  1. What health concerns should I watch out for in poodle cats?

Poodle cats may be prone to dental issues, urinary tract infections, eye problems, and skin allergies. Regular vet check-ups can help detect and prevent these issues.

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  • The International Cat Association. (n.d.). Selkirk Rex Breed Standards. Retrieved from
  • American Kennel Club. (2019). Poodle. Retrieved from
  • Cat Fanciers’ Association. (n.d.). Selkirk Rex. Retrieved from
  • PetMD. (2021). How to Care for a Poodle Cat. Retrieved from add new information or answer any follow-up questions you may have.

If you’re ready to take on the responsibility of owning a poodle cat, start your search for reputable breeders or animal shelters in your area. Remember to consider the cost, time commitment, and living situation before adopting a new pet. And always make sure to properly care for your new poodle cat by grooming, feeding, exercising, and providing them with a clean litter box. With proper care and attention, your poodle cat will be a loving and loyal companion for years to come. If you have any further questions or concerns about poodle cats, don’t hesitate to talk to your veterinarian or reach out to breed-specific organizations for more information. These resources can provide valuable insights and guidance on caring for your poodle cat.

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In conclusion, poodle cats are a unique and lovable breed that make great pets for the right owner. With proper care and attention, your poodle cat will bring joy and love into your life for years to the end of the paragraph, and provide clear and concise information.

  • Healthcare – Regular check-ups with a veterinarian are important to ensure your cat is healthy. Vaccinations and preventative treatments for fleas, ticks, and worms may also be necessary. Make sure to keep up with any recommended treatments or medications.
  • Socialization – Poodle cats are known for being affectionate and social. Spend time bonding with your cat and introducing them to new people and experiences to help them become well-adjusted and happy pets.
  • Safety – Keep your poodle cat safe by ensuring they have proper identification, like a collar with your contact information or a microchip. Make sure hazardous materials and small objects are kept out of reach, and supervise their outdoor time if they are allowed outside.

By following these tips, you can find and care for your new poodle cat with confidence. Remember, owning a pet is a big responsibility, but the love and companionship they provide can make it all worth it.

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